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The achievements of the Iranian revolution, independence and liberty, or apartheid

Iranian people’s upraised against the pseudo-modern monarchy in 1979 in the hope of freedom and social welfare, but the revolution ended with establishment of an undesired Islamic system. But creating such system was opposition leaders and people of Iran’s identified and planned alternative? or that the uprising had no clear path and Ayatollah Khomeini could led it to their desired system by promote slogans such as “Independence, Freedom, Islamic Republic” and the demagogic promises free of all daily needs such as water and electricity? The answer to this questions may not be agreed to everyone, but the result of this revolution is clear. Not only people are not reach any of their goals and slogans did not materialize, but the losses it causes people regret the revolution and most people are in long before that. Human and financial losses that the Iranian people have suffered after the establishment of this regime is not written in this capacity. The goal here, look at the similarities between Iranian Islamic system and apartheid in South Africa, and the world’s approaches with these regimes.

Apartheid is a word that describes a form of discrimination. In the minds of people around the world, apartheid reminiscent the policy of discrimination that imposed against the country’s black majority and the indigenous Indians by South African Republics white racists. Because of an election in 1947, and at the end of the Second World War, the South African National Party came to power. And by applying a series of laws to racial segregation (blacks and whites), the system of apartheid in South Africa was established. These laws made big differences among a white immigrant and a native black, so that the rights of black citizens fell as far as that they were dealing with as a citizen of another country and they became a second-class citizen. Whites in this country with the enjoyment of complete freedom, live per Western affluent countries standards of life, while a black in terms of income, education, entry into government offices and the labor market faced discrimination.

However, the system of apartheid in South Africa became increasingly controversial smash and was as the focus of attention and concern for human rights organizations and democratic countries. Western countries by creating economic sanctions and political pressure on the regime, supported the popular uprising, strikes, marches, protests by various anti-apartheid parties, especially the African National Congress (ANC). In 1990 the National Party government succumbed to international demands and taken the first step to negotiation. flowing this development, apartheid system in South Africa began to collapse. Finally, a public democratic election ended apartheid system in this country, with the result that the African National Congress (ANC) won. The party leader Nelson Mandela as the first person to be elected in democratic and public elections, became president. Mandela who served 27 years in prison, much of it spent in a cell on Robben Island, became the most prominent figure in the struggle against apartheid in South Africa.

The achievements of the Iranians revolution,
It is clear to everyone that the most important achievement of the Iranian revolution on 57, putting a ruling class on the shoulder of Iranian society. Legal precedence of ruling class distinct them from other segments and religious minorities of society. There are Twelver Shia Muslims are the only people responsible for the consolidation and continuation of Islamic Revolution, all state institutions have been established so that their main purpose is to maintain and preserve materials, and interest these citizens. The future of regime will depend on top position of this group of the citizens, even if their cost of superiority borne by other citizens. Article 115 of the constitution: “The president should be religious and believe in the principles of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the official religion of the country.” Per the principle of access to all political and managerial positions at high levels for other minorities is impossible. In Article 500 of the Islamic Penal Code states that “since the whole political system is based on Shiite religious belief, any missionary activity of other religions as a rejection of Shi’a. So, propaganda against the state is a crime. ” So, by this government and this constitution is based not on equality of rights that legal discrimination. per influence the way the Islamic Republic’s constitution and the principle of the Islamic government treatment of non-Twelver Shiite Muslim and non-Muslim citizens, Indicates the fact that the Islamic Republic of Iran can be considered as an apartheid state.

Claims of ethnic or religious discrimination in Iran is not a guess or claim devoid of truth, most Iranians are victims of religious apartheid. Per a poll conducted by Swedish researchers in 80 countries, Iran is the second country in the world in terms of ethnic or religious discrimination. The ruling class superiority has deepened the gap between citizens. Shia Islam is drawn curtains on all the facilities the development, management, and administration of the country into the hands of this group, so people only have a relatively bright future, if they comply with Shia Islam. Access to government jobs, educational opportunities, Priority for election to all organs in local and national decision-making, is anticipated for stability and spreading root system, to achieve such a facility is smoother for ruling stratum.

How international community deal with the regime?
Mentioned above, how the international community dealt with apartheid in South Africa. Finally, international sanctions and the treatment of human rights organizations was due to regime surrendered to blacks and other liberals. Comprehensive international sanctions against the country, but most of them was political and diplomatic isolation of the racist South African leaders that forced them to make peace.

In the case of the Islamic Republic, the system always has been criticized for ignoring the rights of citizens by human rights organizations, the United States, and some countries in Europe. But other than economic sanctions, effective measures that could affect the regime’s human rights record has not been done. On the international scene and diplomatic relations, the Islamic Republic of Iran has managed to financial and military support of the parties in conflict in middle east, play a role in the region. Some of these organizations are as much under the control of the government officials who deal with them is impossible without the consent of the Islamic republic. Under the influence of the parties involved in the crises in the region led to the coalition this regime in line with countries such as Russia. Because of this, the international community cannot have such the united front had against apartheid in South Africa, against this government. Thus, the international community is more aware of the Islamic Republic cross-border behavior, rather than its human rights record. The regime uses this position to impose its will on the people to continue the policy of discrimination and oppression. Imposed economic sanctions often hurt ordinary citizens, thus giving result if the regime does care for people’s living conditions.

Per the religious diversity of Iranian society, lead to cost the ruling class on the shoulders of other citizens, like the Sunnis, Yarsan, Christian, Zoroastrian, Baha’i and so on. National or linguistic discrimination, let’s say, made the living conditions for Kurds, Arabs, Baluchi’s, Azeri’s, etc. more difficult. The impacts of discrimination of Iran’s minorities are crawling. Citizens who realize their limitation and progress for future from the beginning of his later life in society, with despair and the passage of time takes the fringe, thus the entire national facilities will be for ruling class. The consequence of this non-Shi’a religious discrimination for citizens in Iran, are same as the result of apartheid that Black South Africans were faced with it. From a population of over 40 million Iranian non-Shiite civilians, are not one competent minister, if that is not, it is because of the same reason mentioned above.

The purpose of Shia Islam is not all the followers of this religion, I mean the ruling stratum within it. Shia Muslims are aware that split in society is unhealthy and severely endangers the lives of future generations. Millions of Iranians opposed to the regime are Shia-Muslim and they struggle against it. The number of victims that the Shia population in the struggle against this regime have tolerated, are not less than the losses that other citizens have suffered. Perhaps it is time that people close to the regime to realize this false prosperity, and to join other citizens to create a healthy society where living space is open for everyone.

Ahmad Meradi



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