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نامە سازمان دمکراتیک یارسان بۆ ولاتانی اسکاندیناوی وە بونە هیرش سربازی ترکیە بە سەر روژئاوا

Yarsan Democratic Organization

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway
Ine Marie Eriksen Søreide

About the Turkish military attack on the Syrian Kurds

With the withdrawal of US military forces, the Turkish military is preparing to launch a massive offensive against areas under Syrian-Kurdish control and intends to wage a full-scale war and occupy these areas.

The Turkish government’s threats against Syrian Kurdestan and attempts to undermine the relative peace that the Kurdish nation has made in these areas with sacrifice their lives. Yarsan Democratic Organization believes that the occupation of the aforementioned areas is not only a direct threat to peace and stability in northern Syria, but can disrupt the balance of power in these areas and allow ISIL forces to regroup and bring the region into new crisis.It is conceivable that the international coalition’s military victory over ISIS, which came after controlling this terrorist force over much of the Syrian and Iraqi territory, depended entirely on the Kurds’ coordination and support. The Kurdish Peshmerga in Iraqi Kurdistan and the People’s Defense Units (YPG) and the Syrian Democratic Forces in western Kurdistan, Rojava, were the most effective forces threatening the world. After the bloody wars, kurdish forces eventually overpowered ISIS and wiped out of the occupied cities, thus making the defeat of ISIS by the Kurds a reality that aroused the who aroused the global admiration. The Syrian kurds have been repeatedly threatened by Turkey, with the US withdrawal from the region under their control making it possible that this country’s leaders dream of destroying the kurdish autonomous cantons came true, and this great betrayal by the United States and the international community against The kurds. Because they lost thousands of their children and at the instigation of the international community, they resisted the terrorists who had jeopardized world security and rid the Middle East of them. Also, the US action and the lack of support  of the international community for the kurds against Turkey leave them alone against the second most powerful NATO army. The kurds have shown that they are ready to defend themselves, but this war could cause serious casualties and damage.Therefore, the Yarsan Democratic Organization calls on the international community to condem turkish military aggression. And take sufficient action to prevent the Turkish government’s military operation against syrian-kurdish “Rojava”.Norway has been a pioneer in peace work and contributed to peaceful actions to resolve complicated political conflicts in many parts of the world.We ask the norwegian government, which is Trykia’s NATO ally, to call the Turkish Embassy to the blanket to convey Norway’s protest against Turkey’s military abuse in violation of international law.

With best

RegardsCentral Council of Yarsan Democratic Organization

 Oslo 09/10/2019

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